Wake and Legacy Videos

With cinema industry expertise, and a genuine interest in hearing and telling your story, our elegantly crafted legacy videos offer a unique opportunity to leave behind messages and memories for your family and loved ones to cherish - at your wake and forever after.

“It’s never too early to record your story, but one day it may be too late.”

Low-quality social media photos and videos are no way to be remembered - and yet, for many, that’s all they leave behind.

In the same way that writing your will gives you peace of mind - so too does creating a quality video memoir and passing on your story, your way.

Through our efficient and considered process we aim to lift a weight from your shoulders, and for you to feel safe in the knowlege that nothing need go unsaid, and that your legacy will last on, as you would have it do so.



Wake Videos

  • It may initially sound quite unusual to show a video of the recently passed at their wake.

    In reality however, when done to a high standard and presented delicately it truly is a beautiful thing.

    For many in attendance they may not have seen the deceased for a long time, or may not even be able to attend the service at all. For them especially, but no less everybody else in the congregation, a video showing their loved one looking their best, smiling and laughing, hearing them speak and say goodbye is very powerful and always incredibly moving.

    For the deceased, it is an opportunity to say how much they love everyone, to thank and appreciate those whom they knew and made their life so special, and to relay both messages that may otherwise have gone unsaid, and leave behind any pearls of wisdom they may wish to impart on future generations.

    Ultimately every wake video is different and as individual as you are.

    Some use it to tell tales of their youth. Some use it to encourage their friends and family to enjoy the free bar.

    Whatever you choose to say in your wake video, know that as the dust settles, and time heals, the value of having the sound of your voice and the twinkle in your eye recorded forever will only grow and grow and grow.

  • The first step will always be a short phone conversation where we will go over what to expect from us and any special requirements or needs you may wish for us to be aware of ahead of time.

    We will then arrange a convenient time to come to you and conduct the interview in a location of your choosing.

    If you aren’t also shooting for use as a legacy video Wake video interviews will be scheduled to take approximately half a day, giving us time to set up our lighting and camera equipment, and plenty of time for you to get comfortable and take as many breaks as you may need throughout the process.

    For a Wake Video we would generally suggest thinking ahead of time what it is roughly you would like to say, but we do not advise learning it like a script. If you don’t feel comfortable remembering your point we can ask you questions the remind you of your sentiments so that you can deliver them naturally and in your own cadence.

    Once the interview is concluded we will then edit and colour grade the footage into a 10 - 20 minute long video for showing at your wake; following approval from yourself or representative.

    If you do not have someone to organise the showing of the video on the day we can provide the equipment (TV/Projector/PA System) and a technician on the day to suit your needs.

    You will then be given the finished video in digital format available for download for 1 year following publication.

    Options for physical hard drives and archive cases are available for an additional fee.

    • ½ day interview

    • 10-20 min Wake Video Edit

    • Digital Download (1 year)



    • Projector/TV

    • PA System

    • Technician



    • Raw unedited footage on a solid state hard drive



    *prices inclusive of VAT


Legacy/Archive Videos

  • It really is never too early to shoot a legacy video. But sadly, there can come a time when it is too late.

    For a second, think about how special it would be to have high quality, long form video of your great great grandparents, speaking in rich, colourful detail about their lives and times; to hear their voices and look into their eyes. It’s almost too amazing to think about.

    Well, now you can give that amazing gift to your descendants to enjoy in decades to come when the world is a very different place and most are long forgotten.

    Our expertise in proper cinematic film making will ensure you look like a movie star, and our skilled conversationalists will guide you gracefully through everything from your childhood memories to the wisdoms and revelations you’ve picked up over your life and everything in between.

    It really is the gift that keeps on giving.

  • As ever we always start with a phone call to outline what to expect on the day and for you to inform us about any specific needs or requests you might have.

    For archival and legacy videos we set aside a full day’s shoot, to give us time to find an appropriate angle in your location, set up our equipment, and then allow plenty of time for you to take breaks and feel under no unnecessary pressure as we work our way through your life story.

    We will ask you questions on a whole host of topics, from your parents and grandparents, where you grew up, your school days, your career, to hobbies, holidays, and happy times with your family. We will also ask you questions about what you may have learnt over the years, how the world has changed in your lifetime and what advice you would give to your younger relatives.

    If you’d like to include and items of activities in your video then just let us know and we’ll bear that in mind.

    We will then take that footage and and accompanying photographs you might have and carefully edit it down to a length of your choosing.

    The remaining unedited footage will then be preserved on a solid state hard drive for you to keep safe and preserve into the future.

    Special ornate protective cases can also be arranged for a surcharge.

    N.B. It’s not uncommon for us to interview clients in care homes or hospices and we like to do our best to dress the filming location as nicely as possible so it doesn’t feel like a medical environment. We encourage clients and their families to bring with them anything they might have to decorate the scene in an attractive way, but please let us know if you would like us to supply set dressing materials like fabric and cushions.

    • 1 day interview

    • All footage on an SSD Hard Drive (Colour graded, uncut footage ONLY)



    • 40 - 60 min highlight edit (inc. music + colour grade)



    • 60 - 90 min edit



    *prices inclusive of VAT


Wake + Archive - Packages

  • Many of our clients find it makes sense for them to record both their wake video and archival legacy video in the same sitting.

    Much of the cost of production lies in the equipment and the shoot itself, and so by combining the two shoots in one you only need to pay for your legacy video, plus an extra edit fee for the wake video edit.

    Any live AV showing of the wake video will still need to be added separately.

    • 10-20 min Wake Video Edit



    • Prices are inclusive of VAT


You’re in good hands…

We offer a truly premium service, and pride ourselves on our ability to light and colour grade our subjects in such a way as to ensure you look your absolute best, now and into the future.

Other services out there enable you to video your own messages and upload them for future generations to see… but videos shot on a phone, by yourself, or by a journalistic style videographer, are simply of low quality and will never show you in your best light.

Furthermore we are experts at conducting interviewers. We quickly build trust and put you at ease, allowing you to feel relaxed and comfortable as we have an enjoyable, open and engaged conversation about your life.

Everything we do is aimed at creating not only a video memoir, but an heirloom. No matter what your age, health condition, or confidence level, Not Forgotten Films are here to help.

Contact us

We’re nice people and we’re here to help.

Get in touch below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
